The importance of 'clean air'

In times when COVID-19 has the world in a clutches, we are all becoming more aware of the importance of optimal air quality. Never before have topics such as hygiene and "clean air" been so high on the agenda. Yet another reason why cooling ceilings are gaining in popularity. The Belgian family company Interalu is a specialist in cooling ceilings and is happy to share their product knowledge and expertise with the market: "Because climate ceilings cool and heat without displacing air, they do not spread dust or bacteria through a building, a very topical theme in these times," says Carlo Miers, commercial director at Interalu.


The past few months have made us all very conscious of who we meet, who we hug, what we touch and what air we breathe. We stock up on mouth masks, learn how to use them, cough into our arms and keep our distance. These are factors we have control over. But what about the air we breathe?