A pleasant learning environment improves productivity

Healthy indoor climate in schools: how to achieve it?

“Can we open a window?” Or is it better with the window closed anyway? Then don't we have too much noise from the street? Or is that murmur coming from the back benches? We all recognize these classroom situations....

A pleasant climate in classrooms and training centers ensures the productivity of students and teachers and promotes well-being. An indoor climate where everyone can go home without a headache after a day of learning. 

Don't leave students and teachers out in the cold (but not in the heat either)...

A majority of schools, especially outdated buildings, see temperature control as a real challenge. In addition, gas and electricity prices are becoming more and more expensive, and therefore it costs a tremendous amount to heat and additionally cool a school building.  

In fact, in most schools there is no cooling by default.  

The problem of overheating is getting bigger and bigger, especially during the main exam period which falls during the hottest time of the year.  It is vital that a school building can provide refreshment when needed.  

Those who cannot hear cannot listen

Besides outdated heating systems and buildings without roof insulation, many schools also suffer from an acoustic problem. Poor acoustics in classrooms make it difficult to understand what is being said while also making it very tiring to speak in such a space. Spending longer periods of time in these classrooms can result in headaches or sore throats. Thus, a classroom with poor acoustics can cause physical complaints that make the learning environment unpleasant and can even result in persistent health issues not to mention concentration problems. 

Interalu as a sustainable solution

How can a school building meet these challenges?  

If you want to heat with radiators, you suddenly have to invest in a lot of these devices to heat each classroom. They also collect dust and take up valuable space. If you want to install underfloor heating, it requires a thorough and expensive renovation. That doesn't solve the problem of heat during hot periods.    

Looking for a sustainable solution? You can find it with Interalu's climate ceilings. 

Ceilings from Interalu are a sustainable solution with a lifespan of more than 30 years that require no maintenance.  They improve acoustics, allowing both students and teachers to concentrate better and feel better in general.  Compared to other solutions, they are also easy to install during a renovation without too drastic works in the structure of the building.

The acoustic benefit can be found in both metal ceilings and Interalu climate ceilings.

Interalu's climate ceilings also offer the option of cooling and heating in an ecological and economical way, in combination with a heat pump, for example. An additional asset? The interior is provided with a timeless and stylish element.

Discover the ceilings of Interalu: https://interalu.eu/en/our-ceilings